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4 Reasons Why You Should Not Cosign a Personal Loan

Before you are granted a loan, personal loan lenders evaluate your income and credit scores. If you have good credit scores, there will be no problem getting the loan, and someone would ask you to become the cosigner, but if you have poor credit scores, there is a certain chance of you being denied the loan. 

Cosigning a loan means you, along with the primary borrower, are applying for the personal loan; the lender will evaluate your credit scores which means you are also legally responsible for the loan. Sometimes, we ought to help our loved ones by cosigning for the loan, but in reality, it is risky. There are many reasons why you shouldn’t take out a guarantee for someone else’s loan. Here are four common reasons:

1. You Might Have to Pay off the Loan

When you cosign a loan, you guarantee the primary borrower who has applied for the loan. This means you’re promising to pay back the loan if the borrower failed to repay the lender. Hence, in the end, you might be stuck in paying someone else’s borrowed loan. 

The following are the reasons why people need a cosigner for their loan:

  • Perhaps when people have a track record of not paying the bills on time.
  • People who are young and haven’t got a strong credit score history. 
  • People who have good credit scores but faced bad luck, such as losing a job or being subjected to any medical problem.

Despite the reason, you must be confident that the person you are taking guarantee for is financially responsible and will repay the debt, or else you might be at somber risk. 

Unfortunately, suppose anything happens to the primary borrower that halts the monthly payments, such as death or injury. In that case, the lender will expect you to pay the loan of the primary borrower. 

2. It Will Affect Your Ability to Borrow

A loan cosigned by you is shown in your credit history as well. It means that payments made by the primary borrower are considered your debt obligation. The lender evaluates this when they see your credit scores.

Hence, it ultimately means that your future ability to take debt is also affected by the cosigned debt. As the lender will analyze your debt-to-income ratio before your request for the loan is approved. 

If you have cosigned a personal loan and want a mortgage, car, or any other type of loan, the monthly payments on a personal loan will affect your monthly debt obligations over the lender’s limit. Therefore, your loan request will be denied if that’s the situation. 

3. Your Relationship With the Borrower Might Suffer.

If the person you cosigned the personal loan with ends up not paying the debt, you have to pay the loan in place of the primary borrower. Thus, leaving you angry and aggrieved, leaving your relationship with the cosigner in shreds.

Hence, before providing any financial help to someone, make sure you know about all the potential consequences. 

4. Your Credit Score Might Also Suffer

As it is mentioned above, the payment history of the cosigned personal loan is also shown in your credit scoring. For instance, if the primary borrower fails to repay the loan, it shows on your payment records and decreases your credit scores. Thus, it affects your ability to borrow a loan for a more extended period. 

The credit history is for the lenders and landlords, insurance companies, employers, and utility companies. So you might face financial constraints until your credit scores are rebuilt again. 

In a nutshell, it is not wise to put your credit report on the border for someone else, which might force you to face financial and personal constraints. 

About James Morgan